20 November 2008

Wednesday - run and yoga....

I'd planned a day off from running and intended to go to the gym for a session on the rower and then a yoga class after work - but the sun was out and it seemed a shame to be indoors. So I did the Thames path 8k run again and, in the process, dosed up on some vitamin D!

The yoga class was pretty tough as I hadn't been along for a couple of weeks and I seemed to have lost some flexibility. I really do need to go regularly or pay the penalty of being unable to get my body into the right postures without cramping up. I definitely feel a lot better after yoga though - it seems to energize me for a few days.

And with new found energy I jumped out of bed this morning at 5:45 am and took Jackson for a x-country run - arriving back home at just after 7am.
An excellent way to start the day!

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