20 December 2008

Back to running......just

This virus or whatever it is has had me laid low all week, unable to do anything more strenuous than a slow walk round the block. Even then I came back feeling tired and shivery and ready for yet more paracetamols and a steaming hot bath. I'm pretty sure that this has been the longest lay-off I've had from running for quite a few years. I managed to crawl in to work each day but that was through necessity as we're at our busiest at this time of year and it would have been a major deal if I'd taken time off.

Thursday night was probably the turning point in the illness when I developed a fever which meant I sweated buckets and left the bed totally drenched. I was not very popular with Jenny as the bed clothes were fresh on that day and had to be washed again!

This morning I felt a little better and decided to go for a gentle 7k jog with Jenny and Jackson. We did the usual route around Hankley Common but I really found it hard work as though I had lost all my fitness which I guess was probably due to having not completely recovered. I managed to struggle round though and don't feel too bad at the moment so, hopefully, it'll be back to proper training over the next few days.

I keep wondering how I'd cope if I was struck down by something similar when out in Morocco for the MDS. I'd hate to have to pull out for what's essentially a bad cold but the way I felt last week I'd never have been able to run 3k let alone 30k day after day.

Anyway, enough of the negative thoughts and back out for some last minute hill training; it's the Knacker Cracker in two weeks and the quads will have to on top form to get up all those steps.

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