6 February 2009

Training continues...

..despite the snowy conditions and lack of daylight.
I've seen loads of pedestrians slipping over on the icy pavements in the last few days and decided that I really didn't want to risk injuring myself by trying to run on the local streets. So, I thought, the only thing for it is to attempt a night x-country run in the snow at Hankley Common. Jenny didn't think that was a good idea at all and told me that I was 'an idiot' to even think of running off road at night through deep snow. But I went anyway.
I parked the car on the road as a precaution as the muddy area that I usually park on is down a little snow covered slope and I had visions of returning later on and being unable to get the car out. That proved to be a wise move because James parked there the following day and did get stuck! He had to get his girlfriend to push the car while he drove it out!
After parking I had to walk a short distance and cross the road to get to the start of the run. I was aware that people in the cars passing by were looking at me and probably wondering what the hell I was doing in the middle of nowhere, at night, dressed in running gear and wearing a rucksack and head torch!
Once onto the common, though, I was able to get running and was pleasantly surprised on a couple of counts.
Firstly, the running itself wasn't difficult at all, in fact the deep snow seemed to even out all the usual bumps, roots, puddles etc so that I could run at a pretty decent pace. It was a bit slippery on the steeper up and down hills but I only actually fell over once and that was a soft landing, also thanks to the snow.
The other thing was that with everything being so white it was really easy to see in the dark. I reckon I could have got round without a my head-torch. There was a bit of moon to help (about half a moon or so) but even that was obscured by clouds for most of the time.
And I wasn't the only one foolish enough to be out. As I crested the last but one hill I came across a bunch of soldiers lying very still with their weapons pointing in my direction. Luckily they must have realised that I didn't pose a threat and decided not to open fire!
The rest of the run passed without incident and I got back to the car in about the same time as I would have done in daylight without the snow.

I enjoyed myself so much that I went and did the same run the following night. The snow was much softer though and a lot more slippery. And it was quite foggy. So It wasn't as much fun but still good.

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