25 May 2009


Whether or not it was the drenching and cold bath from last weekend, or just bad luck, but I developed a sore throat and cough during the following week and felt pretty rough when I awoke on Thursday morning. So I decided to have a rest from running for a couple of days. The following morning matters were even worse and I had completely lost my voice. The first time that's ever happened to me! It was pretty weird being at work and not being able to communicate with anyone apart from through little messages on post-it notes. Friday night I ventured down to the Spotted Cow in the hope that a couple of pints of beers would loosen up my larynx but it was not to be. Luckily, though, I woke up on Saturday morning with a partially restored voice which I took to mean I was on the mend. I'd planned a long weekend run of 20 miles or so but decided to allow myself time to recover properly and opted for back to back runs of 8.5 miles on Saturday and the same on Sunday. I also went out mountain biking with Jenny on Sunday evening. The weather over both days was brilliant, 25 c and hardly a cloud in the sky - a definite improvement on the previous weekend.

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